Can a Computer Generate Art? It depends…

An abstract painting in red, pink, and white generated by AI

Oxford (University) Languages defines art as “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” That definition, by a definitive source of the meaning of words, would seem to indicate that when a machine generates the image on a canvas it is not art.

That being said, AI has unleashed a new realm in the human scheme of things. Maybe AI-art is one of them. The image above was generated by a simple prompt: “Create an abstract piece of art using red, pink, purple, and white.” Likewise, the image below was created with the same prompt except asking the machine to create an image using, ocean blue, cerulean blue, turquoise, and white.

Another question AI-generated art works pose is who gets the credit for the work? The person inputting the prompts? A nameless, faceless computer? Both?

AI applications, such as Midjourney, Dall-E, AI Art,, and can generate artwork in a matter of moments. Want your own copy of the Mona Lisa? Just say so. Fond of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring? AI can whip you up a replica you can print on a large-scale printer for a fraction of the priceless original.

If you truly want a genuine-looking reproduction, have AI create the painting for you, then ask a local artist to apply oil paint to the canvas and you can impress your friends as never before.

A computer-generated signature claims to ensure the authenticity of the painting. One might wonder what’s to prevent another computer from replicating the gallery’s ‘signature’ just as the computer replicated Van Gogh’s Starry Night, Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, or Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring shown on the gallery’s website.

An AI-generated abstract painting using the prompt, "Create an abstract painting using ocean blue, turquoise blue, and cerulean blue.

Yet another question raised, but not answered, by AI

If a computer is generating ‘art,’ is it really art? Given the abstract nature of these renderings and how little difference there is between that and human-generated abstract paintings, it’s a fair question.

We already know AI has unleashed a new realm in the human scheme of things. Maybe AI-art is one of them.

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